Midlife Woo Woo

Creating Meaning with Akashic Records & Spirit Guides

Hi, good peeps! It’s time for an open conversation with Kimber Tiernan where we sprinkle some divine dust on our midlife remix! We’re figuring out what the f*&k Akashic records are, how it relates to parenting…and we’re digging deep with our golden sh*t shovels. 

Kimber is an intuitive healer who can see your angels, guides, inner child, and divine self. She works with The Akashic records and Reiki. Some of her clients say she is a powerful healer, but really her superpower is teaching you how to heal yourself and others. She leads her own healing circles under her platform called the Divine Alchemy Academy

So, let’s get into alignment with our divine selves and talk about the line of energy that runs through all of us. You might be thinking, “Sarah, what does all of this even mean?” Well, we’re going to figure it out…let’s start digging! 

What The F*%k Are The Akashic records? 

The Akashic records are a dimension of consciousness. They contain everything that has happened, is happening, and possibly could happen. So they're probable timelines, based on your frequency, your trajectory right now. They tell the story of your soul's journey through space and time. They’re like a living library of information of every soul since the beginning of creation. They create an opportunity for you to view the evolution of your soul from that loving perspective of your guides.

  • So… is this like a psychic reading? Not quite. A psychic reading is more about trying not to tell them anything and guess what’s going on in your life.

Kimber says, “I view the Akashic records as, like an interplay between you and your guides. It's a relationship that you form with your guides. So in the records, you know, your guides want your human perspective, they want to know who this person is to you, how you feel about them, what's going on, and then they can give you that higher dimensional perspective from their viewpoint and see the overall energy of past lives and what's going on from that higher perspective.”

  • So, what’s the difference? Akashic records are more engaging. It’s like having a conversation with your friends. 

How Does This Help Me In My Present Lifetime? 

All of that woo-woo stuff sounds fun right…but how can it really benefit the life that we’re living right now? There are so many ways that understanding the Akashic records can help us. The important thing to remember is that our “past lives” aren’t always about the past. Energy flows beyond time and space. With that in mind, here are some practical ways you can use the knowledge of the Akashic records:

  • Adopting a new perspective to parenting. According to Akashic records, your children chose you. You are their vessel of learning, love, and understanding. Let go of the guilt you can create in parenting because your children chose you. 

  • Better understand your children through tough times. See them in their highest light and use your energy to hold them there. You will see their energy shift as we’re all playing off each other’s energy.

  • Heal generational trauma. This will allow you to work on your inner healing. You will work on your own strength and heal your bloodline. If you have gone through a traumatic experience, you can be more hyper-aware and not bring that down to your children. 


What Does This Mean For My Midlife Remix?

If the past, present, and future are all around us, then we don’t need to fear or judge ourselves in midlife. Our souls are infinite. Let’s tap into that!

  • Midlife is not a crisis. A lot of people compare entering your midlife to a crisis. This implies that you don’t have any control over it and it’s something that’s just happening to you. However, if you shift your thinking to a “midlife remix” then you can bring the power back to yourself. You have the ability to make choices and feel good about yourself. 

  • Midlife is about change. Kimber says your midlife is like what they call “the River of Change.” One side is your old life and then you step into the River of Change and it takes away everything you thought you knew. When you’re in the River of Change and the “Dark Night” (a dark moment in your life) you have to connect to the divine and your higher self. 

  • Be satisfied with the change. Entering midlife helps you learn, evolve, and grow. Our consciousness is always expanding. We are always looking for the next best thing. We are reaching for the expansion of our souls. There is always that impulse to grow and expand and become more and that’s what moves life along.  

Want to dig deeper? 

Have you found this woo-woo to be pretty interesting? Kimber has her own program called the Divine Alchemy Academy. It is a portal of healing and learning where she offers different classes based on what she feels the group needs. Currently they’re learning about the Akashic records and about balancing your chakras. Kimber also offers one-on-one sessions and a bunch of meditations on Youtube as well.  

Akashic records help you tune into yourself. It can give you a whole new perspective on your midlife, how you are parenting and how you are going to move forward. In the end, Kimber tells us to love ourself more. Your cells are listening to you in every moment and everything you say to yourself…your body’s listening. Find ways to heal and you will be well on your way to digging your way through your midlife remix.  

Connect with Kimber:

●      Instagram: @kimbertiernan

●      Website: divinealchemyacademy.co

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